Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are you 'in love' yet?

Does it appear as though I am? Cause I sure hope that it's radiating... like if there was a scrolling sign hovering above my head all day... This question wouldn't exist. haha

Seth David Miller has been my best friend in my life for over the past three years... and we've been pretty gosh darn close friends for over 4 years now :) I have grown to love Seth as my friend over the course of that time... and throughout the last few years he has grown to be very special to me. I think that's one of the most important things when two people come together. If I wasn't best friends with Seth, there's no way that this would work! I do believe that it is safe to say that I am in love with Seth Miller, and I do believe that it shall stay that way for quite some time.

God has a very interesting way of making things happen... or how His plans all fall into place. I know without a doubt in my heart, that God was doing something special when he brought Seth and I into each others lives. I know for a fact that God was doing something AMAZING the moment that He brought Seth into my life. And no, I don't mean through the parade, sure that may be how we had initially met... but I mean on a night where I had never needed someone so much... there Seth was, completely random and out of the blue. I just remember praying, and asking God to help me and be with me... LITERALLY the second I ended my prayer, there was Seth. God was stirring up something, and with time that something became what Seth and I share today. It's interesting looking back and seeing how everything came together to be the way that it is today... very interesting :)
I have never cared for someone as much as I do him, and I have never wanted to make someone so happy before. Seth brings me nothing but pure happiness on a daily basis. I enjoy his company so much, that I can't wait to talk to him as soon as we part. I know that both of us have prayed about this relationship, in fact-- Seth prayed the night that we decided to "officially" be together! :)

To say the least, I am incredibly blessed, and thankful every day for Seth, and I hope that he will stay in my future. <3

Ask me anything

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